Elite Prep
Virtual Branch
Since 1987, we’ve been helping students gain admission to the colleges of their dreams. Schedule a free consultation to find out how we can help you reach your college goals.
Elite Prep Virtual Branch Student
Elite Prep's Virtual Branch is your go-to destination for live online college prep services, catering to students outside our physical branch locations. Live miles away from our brick-and-mortar branches? We've got you covered! If you're near a physical branch, reach out to them directly. If not, don't worry – the Virtual Branch is here to support you every step of the way!

Summer 2024 Programs
What Students Are Saying
Elite Prep Test Prep Student Debbie P.

Personalized Care

“I really got a lot of personalized care from my Elite Prep teachers. This is a special place where the teachers really care. Every hour you spend studying for the test is going to benefit you in the future. It will all be worth it in the end!”

Debbie P.
Elite Prep Student
Harvard University

Elite Prep Tutoring Student Neal P.

Learning for Life

“Elite Prep’s SAT Boot Camp really helped my with time-management. I wasn’t very organized and had a hard time keeping up with my work, but Elite really helped me set that straight. Stay focused and you can do great things!”

Neal P.
Elite Prep Student
Stanford University

Elite SAT Prep Student Anna R.

Expert Instructors

“At Elite, I learned to speak up and ask questions. Take advantage of all the opportunities that Elite offers! The teachers are there to guide you through your high school career and get you to where you want to go in the future.”

Anna R.
Elite Prep Student

Contact Us
We would love to hear from you!
Call us at (949) 654-8523 or click the button below to complete our Virtual Branch Pre-Registration Form. We'll get back to you as soon as possible with program recommendations, pricing, and more details.